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Word Drop
To solve a Word Drop puzzle, drop a letter from each vertical column-not necessarily in the order in which they appear-into the empty squares below them to spell the desired word. This game can be played with clues or without clues.
Choose a Drop Word
Show Clues
Show Nothing
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
The objective of Hangman's Pizza is to see how many slices of pizza will be left by the end of this solitaire Hangman type game. Change the difficulty by adding more slices to the pizza. The creator of the game has the option to have a clue with each question. Each answer can have up to 16 characters.
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Show Nothing
How many pizza slices?
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Solve the math problem below a letter that you think might be in the word. The solution to the problem, found on the side of the page, will indicate the position of that letter in the word. A 0 means the letter is not part of the word. Color in a slice of pizza for each 0 you get. Try to complete your word before the pizza all gone. Good luck!
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Create your crossword puzzle in minutes using GamesToTeach.com. Provide questions and answers to create your own personalized crossword puzzle game. Each printable PDF game comes with an answer guide and the ability to edit the game title and instructions. You can also choose to play an online game to play your crossword game anywhere with internet access.
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Crossword game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Hide words in a picture you make with our original Pic-Search game. Start by either writing your own questions and answers or choose a question set from our growing database. Once you have something to search for create a picture. Pictures can be made by clicking on and off cell-blocks. Once your picture is done click the Make Puzzle button to create your Pic-Search game. In addition to game title and instructions, there are many ways to customize your game. Use the different options to show clues the answers or just have the user search your picture. You can also create your game with no borders.
Choose a Word Search Type
Show Clues
Show Answers
Show Nothing
Customize the directions
horizontal Back
vertical Up
diagonal Up
diagonal Up Back
Create your picture
Remove Borders
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
You need to fist Cilck the Make Puzzle button above before clicking Make Game
Create a match game in minutes on playQandA.com. In addition to the a standard match up game; PlayQandA gives you the ability to scramble the letters in each word or re-arrange each word in the sentence. Using these features adds a new and challenging dimension to the game!
Do you want to scramble the questions and answers?
I am a sample question
Click here to scramble the letters in each the question
Click here to scramble the words in each question
Sample answer
Click here to scramble the letters in each the answer
Click here to scramble the words in each the answer
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
The answer to each question can be found by following a path between hubs. Players can only go from one hub to another if there is the same plane pointing in the same direction. Many paths lead to the destination, can you find the shortest path.
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Crossword game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
Have no more than 12 questions and answers
Have no more than 80 characters in any question
Have no more than 20 characters in any answers
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the Edit Questions above)
PlayQandA.com offers flexibility in creating your word search game. You can choose the type of word search game you want to make, for example: Make a game only displays that words to find in the grid, or describe in the instructions a word search topic (i.e. Can you find all the planets in the grid above?). PlayQandA.com also lets you modify the size of your grid.
Choose a Word Search Type
Show Clues
Show Answers
Show Nothing
Create the filter
Longest word can have
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Picasso BINGO engages its players with a twist on the traditional BINGO game. This group activity begins by giving each participant a unique Picasso sheet that contains 4 pictures at the top made up of 25 squares each. The remainder of the page is filled with a 5 by 5 grid containing answers to the questions that the facilitator will ask. Each player chooses a picture and tries to win the game by highlighting the corresponding squares in the 5 by 5 grid as questions and answers are called. This exciting game can be played in the classroom at birthday parties or at any event where a group game is needed. Customize your game now.
Create your BINGO pictures
How many game sheets?
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Snake Search is a word search game variation. The answers are hidden in the grid using a multi turned path. The paths are always displayed on the game sheet but can become quite challenging depending on the game customization. Some of the customization includes, showing the path next to the question or answer, specifying the complexity of the path and adjusting the grid size.
Choose a Snake Search Type
Show Clues
Glued Snake
Helper List
Show Answers
Glued Snake
Show Nothing
Choose a Snake Search Type
Harder! -Paths go in all directions
All Directions
Easier -Paths only go down and right
Down Right
Resize the grid
In order to make a Snake Search game you must:
Have at least 1 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Answers can only have letters (spaces will be removed)
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Create a BINGO game in minutes. This classic game is played with a group of people with a clear goal; get BINGO before someone else does. The elements of this game can engage and motivate participants to learn material or reinforce learnt information. It can also be used at a party or any event where fun group competition is needed.
Create your BINGO pictures
How many game sheets?
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Classic BINGO
Listen for the answer. When the answer is given look for it on your game sheet. If you find it fill in that square. In order to win you must %%cc%% Good luck!
A Word Search type game group game that’s competitive and easy to play. Rather than racing to see who can find a word first, players will first choose a goal (left or right) on their unique play sheet. Players circle the answers (given by the facilitator ) crossing their goal. Whoever gets the needed amount of goals first wins the game! Great for parties, teachers or any time a sitting group game is needed.
How many goals to win the game?
How many unique game sheets?
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 10 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Each wheel contains an answer. The letters in the answer will be in the proper order read either clockwise or counter clockwise. Can you find all the answers? Good luck.
Do you want to display clues?
Show Clues
Show Nothing
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 4 questions and answers
Not have more than 16 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 16 characters
No answer can have less than 3 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Each wheel contains an answer. The letters in the answer will be in the proper order read either clockwise or counter clockwise. Can you find all the answers? Good luck.
You are now creating game:
Word Search
PlayQandA.com offers flexibility in creating your word search game.
You can choose the type of word search game you want to make, for example: Make a game only displays that words to find in the grid, or describe in the instructions a word search topic (i.e. Can you find all the planets in the grid above?). PlayQandA.com also lets you modify the size of your grid.
Choose a Word Search Type
Show Clues
Show Answers
Show Nothing
Resize the grid
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
To play the Code Breaker Match Up game you must match each question on the left with the answer on the right. Alphabet letters have been consistently replaced by symbols throughout the game
Set the difficulty of your game.
Sample question
Click here to code the words in each question
Sample answer
Click here to code the words in each answer
Click here to have the "Code Breaker Key" appear on the page.
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
The Word Parts game is a visual based game. Letters in the displayed blocks have been cut apart into two pieces. Each rectangle contains part of the word. The alphabet and the example on the page is a guide to help reconstruct all the words. If you want to show the questions and have the answers in the word part blocks use the Show Clues game type. If you want to show all the words and see how fast the players can find the blocks then use the Show Answers game type. The Show Nothing option will challenge the players to find the blocks with no clues at all!
Choose a Word Part Game Type
Show Clues
Show Answers
Show Nothing
Word Parts
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
The letters in the words below have been cut apart into two pieces. Each rectangle contains part of the word. Use the alphabet and the example on the right as a guide to help reconstruct all the words.
You are now creating game:
Hidden Message Word Search
PlayQandA.com offers flexibility in creating your word search game...
You can choose the type of word search game you want to make, for example: Make a game only displays that words to find in the grid, or describe in the instructions a word search topic (i.e. Can you find all the planets in the grid above?). PlayQandA.com also lets you modify the size of your grid.
Choose a Word Search Type
Show Clues
Show Answers
Show Nothing
Customize the directions
horizontal Back
vertical Up
diagonal Up
diagonal Up Back
Edit the game title, instruction and message
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
You need to fist Cilck the Calculate Puzzle button above before clicking Create PDF
Hidden Message Word Search
After solving the word search above read the remaining letters from the top to the bottom to find the hidden message. Good luck.
What is a Christian priest’s favorite part of physics?~Mass
What kind of chemical element hates to be a follower?~Lead
What did the chemistry teacher do with his pet that died?~ Barium
What period of time has the least weight?~ A light year
What number do Nickel and Neon make when combined?~Nine
Where do a group of fox scientist live?~ Density
What did scientists say when they found 2 isotopes of Helium?~HeHe
What can be measured, but has no length, width or height?~ temperature
How do oxygen and potassium get along?~OK
What do you get if someone throws sodium chloride at you?a salt
Famous board type games
Which game has a Knight and a Rook?~Chess
This two player game has fifteen pieces which move between 24 triangles.~Backgammon
Which game involves moving diagonally and captures by jumping over the opponents pieces?~Checkers
This game involves buying properties, houses and hotels.~Monopoly
This game is played on a 15X15 board, players create interlocking words for points.~Scrabble
Played from 2 to 6 players the board is divided into forty-two territories, try to conquer the world.~Risk
With this game by sinking your opponents fleet of ships.~Battleship
This is a popular murder-mystery board game.~Clue
In this game pieces fall by gravity in slots, four in a row wins.~Connect Four
Which game is played on a 8×8 uncheckered board where pieces are flipped?~Reversi
This 2 player game can be played with stones or beans, player who has the most pieces wins.~Mancala
Roll 5 dice and score by obtaining certain combinations.~Yahtzee
Dog Facts
Which is the most popular dog breed in the United States?~Labradors
Akita, a dog, is a national treasure of which country?~Japan
The Norwegian ___ is the only dog that has six toes on each foot.~Lundehund
Which is the only dog bread that bark, but they can yode?~basenji
Which type of dog can trace a scents that are over 300 hours old?~Bloodhounds
The ___ are excellent swimmers because they have webbed feet.~Newfoundlands
___ puppies are born completely white and develop their spots over time~Dalmatian
___ are thought to be French by origin but are actually German dogs.~ Poodles
___ and Collies create the most racket than any other dog.~Beagles
The __ Dog is actually part of the squirrel family.~Prairie
Hand Tools
What too is used to hit nails?~hammer
What tool is used to rotate an object into place?~screwdriver
What tool applies torque to nuts and bolts?~wrench
Which tool has jaws that can be used to bend or compress objects?~pliers
A ___ measure is like a very long ruler?~tape
Which tool is used for establishing a horizontal plane?~level
Which tool has sharp teeth and is used for cutting?~saw
What tool usually made of steel is used to smooth surfaces?~file
Which tool comes with different shaped cutting edges and is usually used on wood?~Chisel
What tool has a sharp blade and is used for slicing?~Knife
If you are a shark fan this these questions and answers about sharks are for you. Use the clues to help find the answers in this free word search shark game. Great worksheet for teachers covering this topic.
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman's Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.
The following questions and answers are used in this game
A __ lives in the water, is long-bodied has a prominent dorsal fin and is usally predatory.~Shark
Instead of bones, a sharks sekeleton is made of what?~Cartilage
One of the biggest sharks is the great __ shark.~White
Most sharks are __ , meaning they hunt and eat fish, marine mammals, and other sea creatures.~Predators
Most sharks are __ blooded.~Cold
The __ shark which has flattened blade-like extensions on either side of it's head with the eyes and nostrils placed at or near the ends.~hammerhead
The __ shark is an aggressive shark of warm seas, with dark vertical stripes its body.~Tiger
The __ of a shark are constantly replaced, in a lifetime it can lose and regrow as many as 30,000. ~Teeth
The __ of sharks are used for stabilizing, steering, lift and swimming.~fins
A sharks skin feels a lot like __~Sandpaper
Picnic Foods
Q:10 - Level: 4
A fowl that has been cooked in oil~Fried Chicken
Has a green skin with seeds or without~Watermelon
A salty crunchy snack~Potato Chips
Main ingredient is cabbage~Cole Slaw
Two slices of bread with a middle~Sandwich
A sweetened drink made with a yellow fruit~Lemonade
Usually round and crunchy and eaten for dessert~Cookie
Often made from a cucumber~Pickle
A side dish with the main ingredient from the ground~Pasta Salad
A side dish with ingredients from a vine or tree~Fruit Salad
Telephone Trivia
The very first phone call was: “___come here, I want you!”~Watson
What number is repeated 3 times as a prefix reserved for fictional US telephone numbers?~five
What word did Alexander Graham Bell recommended to answer the phone?~Ahoy
Bell invented the telephone to enhance which other form of communication?~telegraph
Bell offered Western Union his telephone patent for ___ dollars.~one hundred
What famous invention did Alexander Graham Bell invent for communication?~Telephone
Name the component in a phone that is spoken into?~microphone
Most telephones contain a ___ which produces a sound to announce an incoming call.~ ringer
___ dials were used before push button to dial a call?~ rotary
What person works at a switchboard to help direct phone calls?~Operators
Parts of a car
A sound-making device used to warn others of the approach of the vehicle or of its presence.~horn
A device composed of fibrous materials which removes solid particulates such as dust, pollen and mold.~Air Filter
An electromechanical device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.~Alternator
An instrument that has a sensing unit using a float. ~Fuel Gauge
A gauge that measures and displays the instantaneous velocity.~Speedometer
A loop of flexible material used to mechanically link two or more rotating shafts.~Belt
Powers the starter motor, the lights, and the ignition system of a vehicle's engine.~Battery
A steel-backed plate with friction material bound to the surface that faces the disk rotor.~Brake Pad
Device that converts between reciprocating motion and rotational motion.~Crankshaft
Device that rotates an engine so as to initiate the engine's operation under its own power.~Starter
A flexible fabric envelope designed to inflate rapidly during an automobile collision.~Air Bag
A device with a hinged flap that is adjustable to help shade the eyes from the glare.~Sun Visor
A device that delivers electric current from an ignition system to the combustion chamber.~Spark Plug
This device, in conjunction with cushions and springs, absorbs and dissipates energy.~Shock Absorber
A heat exchanger used for cooling internal combustion engines.~Radiator
The moving component contained by a cylinder and is made gas-tight by rings.~Piston
A flexible hollow tube designed to carry fluids from one location to another.~Hose
A mechanical seal which fills the space between two or more mating surfaces.~Gasket
Device used to protect the wiring and electrical equipment for vehicles~Fuse
Games that use Balls
Q:20 - Level: 8
How many sports that use balls can you name?
This list, posted today, has 10 of them along with a clue for each one. The free download uses the Word Wheel game but you can use the same questions and answers for almost all the games on the Play Q and A site. Get ready and “Play Ball!”
Below is a list of the questions and answers used in this game
Which game has 9 innings?~Baseball
In what game are points scored by kicking a ball in a goal?~Soccer
What game is played on a table top with paddles?~Ping pong
Which game has a score worth 6 points?~Football
Which game uses the word love for zero?~Tennis
Which game has a round of 18 holes?~Golf
Which game has a hoop 10 feet up?~Basketball
What game scores a point by grounding a ball on the other team’s side?~Volleyball
What game has a 10 pin target?~Bowling
Which game do players avoid getting hit with a ball?~Dodgeball
Baseball Glossary
Hit with a bat~ball
Used to hit the ball~Bat
Four of them~Bases
Worn on the hand to catch the ball~Mitt
The bases are also called a baseball __~diamond
Behind second base~outfield
The raised dirt that the pitcher stands on~mound
When the ball is hit fairly out of the field~homerun
Three of these ends the inning~Out
Three outs make the end of an __~inning
Getting two players out is a __ play~double
Swinging the bat and missing the ball~strike
The fence behind homeplate~backstop
A base is also called a __~bag
When all the bases have a man they are~loaded
The one attempting to hit the ball~batter
The batter stands in the batter’s __~box
A pitch intentionally thrown to hit the batter~beanball
Where the players sit while not at bat~bench
__ seats are usually uncovered, less expensive and in the outfield~Bleacher
The area used by pitchers and catchers to warm up~bullpen
A fastball, particularly one that is easy to hit~Cheese
A batter will __ up by sliding his hands up the bat for more control.~choke
The fourth batter in the line up~cleanup
A team's locker room~clubhouse
A pitch that does not go straight is a __~curveball
A __ man is the go between a long throw and an important target~cut off
A player who permanently hits in the place of another is a __ hitter.~designated
Two games are played by the same two teams on the same day~doubleheader
Where a team's bench is located~dugout
A player is __ when disqualified from the game by an umpire~ejected
misplaying a ball is called an__~error
__ innings are played if there is a tie after nine innings~extra
A pitch that is thrown more for high velocity than for movement~fastball
A pitcher who throws in excess of 95 miles per hour~fireballer
A pitch that may appear to the batter to float or bob up and down~floater
A ball hit high in the air is a __ ball~fly
Two straight lines drawn on the ground from home plate to the outfield~foul line
A count of 3 balls and 2 strikes~full count
The __ manager runs the organization of a baseball team~general
Home run hit with the bases loaded~grand slam
A ball that is hit on the ground so that it bounces in the infield~grounder
To strike out three times~hat trick
a person who hits a ball with a bat in baseball~hitter
A base hit in which the batter is able to circle all the bases~Home run
__ is the one in whose stadium the game is played against the visiting team~Home team
A pitch thrown with no spin~knuckleball
The second game of a doubleheader~nightcap
A game in which one team does not get any hits~no hitter
The next batter due to bat after the current batter~on deck
The player whose position is either left, center or right field~outfielder
A very rare no-hitter where each batter is retired consecutively~perfect game
An inning in which a pitcher allows no runners to reach base~perfect inning
A quick throw from the fielder covering a base~pickoff
A substitute batter~pinch hitter
A substitute baserunner~pinch runner
A baseball delivered by the pitcher to the batter~pitch
The fielder responsible for pitching the ball.~pitcher
Runs batted in~RBI
The official list of players who are eligible to play~roster
A pitch that curves to the same side as the side from which it was thrown~screwball
When a team prevents their opponent from scoring in a game~shutout
A one-base hit~single
responsible for refereeing or officiating a game~umpire
Lab Safety
Q:20 - Level: 8
Education on safety comes in many forms. This game focuses on safety needed in a school laboratory. Science teachers who have access to a school lab and who have spent time teaching their students about what to and what not to do in a laboratory can use this free game to help reinforce the concepts. The game is a code breaker style game where players first have to decode the answer then match it with a clue. Game time will average around 10 minutes.
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Word Search or Crossword.
Be safe!
The following questions and answers are used in this game
Wear this to protect your body when using hot liquids or chemicals.~Apron
Use to cover your eyes.~Goggles
These need to be closed-toed.~Shoes
Make sure to __ directions to understand how to do an experiment.~Read
Not allowed to be eaten or even in the lab.~Food
If caught on fire you should stop, drop and __.~Roll
__ your hands after handling an animal or chemicals in the lab~wash
A fire __ puts out fires.~Extinguisher
__ up when you are finished in the lab.~Clean
Long __ should be tied back.~Hair
Q:25 - Level: 5
Don’t let this one pass you “UP”! We have made a list of questions and answers that help people go up. For example: a plane, elevator or balloon. The game we use is a match up game. The letters in the answers on the game sheet are jumbled to make the game a bit more challenging (or should we say: aliehngncl). This free game download can be played at a party, in a classroom or at any event that needs a time filler. Remember, you can change the type of game and use the same questions and answers with a few clicks of button.
This free game can be played at a party, as a group ice breaker or the morning after a slumber party.
Changing the clues or other customization is easy, just follow the instructions on the product page.
Click here to edit the game.
The following questions and answers are used in this game
An aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets~Airplane
Large tough nonrigid bag filled with gas or heated air~balloon
Stairway whose steps move continuously on a circulating belt~escalator
A construction designed to go up by dividing the height into smaller vertical distances, called steps~Stairs
A jet engine containing its own propellant and driven by reaction propulsion~rocket
Steps consisting of two parallel members connected by rungs~ladder
An aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades~helicopter
Poles, posts or pillars used to allow a person or structure to stand at a height above the ground~Stilts
Gymnastic apparatus consisting of a strong canvas sheet attached with springs to a metal frame~Trampoline
A plaything consisting of a board balanced on a fulcrum~seesaw
Ride commonly found at a park with, gain height by using your leg motion~swing
a mechanism for transporting skiers up a hill~Ski lift
Lifting device consisting of a platform that is raised and lowered mechanically ~Elevator
Easter Words
Q:26 - Level: 8
This Easter use our free egg hunt word search game. Try to find all the words associated with Easter. The game can be played before or after an egg hunt or just for fun.
This game has the following Easter words:
Answers Only~Basket
Answers Only~Bonnets
Answers Only~Bunny
Answers Only~Candy
Answers Only~Children
Answers Only~Chocolate
Answers Only~Decorations
Answers Only~Ducks
Answers Only~Eggs
Answers Only~Happy
Answers Only~Pink
Answers Only~Rabbit
Answers Only~Religious
Answers Only~Spring
Answers Only~Sunday
Answers Only~Yellow
Answers Only~Easter
Answers Only~Flowers
Answers Only~Hopping
Answers Only~Hunt
Q:14 - Level: 8
The beautiful tree gives us shade some times fruit and leaves to rake in the fall. These ten questions and answers are about the parts of a tree. The questions can be used for a class that is learning about nature or as a camping trip activity. The Word Drop game seemed appropriate for this question set because leave “drop” in the fall. Enjoy!
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman's Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.
the hard substance that covers a tree~bark
The flowers on a tree~blossom
a very small thin branch from a tree or bush~twig
A flat thin green part of a tree or plant that grows on a branch~leaf
part of a tree that grows out of its trunk with leaves, flowers, or fruit growing on it~branch
the main part of a tree that the branches grow out of~trunk
the leaves of a plant or tree~foliage
The part of a tree or plant that contains its seeds~fruit
a round hard place in a piece of wood where a branch grew~knot
the part of a tree that is left above the ground after it has been cut through near the base~stump
Q:14 - Level: 8
Healthy habits should be part of our daily lives. Little things like drinking water and getting enough sleep can cause and impact on a person’s health. This small list of healthy habits is used in a free word wheel game. The game has questions that have to be matched with one of the plates on the page. The plate contains the answer but rotated. The game can be used for teaching or just for fun. Be healthy!
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman's Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.
Cover your __ when you cough~Mouth
Wash your hands with __ and water to make sure they are clean~Soap
Eat a health __ at the start of the day~Breakfast
Getting __ at the doctors can help prevent diseases~Vaccinated
Eating green __ can help keep you healthy~vegetables
At night get plenty of __~Sleep
Drink a couple of litres of __ a day~Water
__ like biking, swimming, walking can help keep you healthy~Exercise
Cut down on foods that have sweet __~Sugar
Brushing your __ is good for you~Teeth
Elephant Facts
Which animal has the largest brain of any creature that ever lived on the earth?~elephant
How may sets of teeth do elephants use during its lifetime?~six
Each elephant ___ weights about 9 pounds.~tooth
How do adult elephants sleep?~standing
What is an adult male elephant called?~bull
Elephants eat grass, leaves and tree branches they are ___.~herbivorous
Elephants eat around ___ pounds of food each day.~three hundred
A thirsty elephant can drink 50 ___ of water.~gallons
What does an elephant use to suck up water?~trunk
What are An elephant’s tusks made of?~Ivory
Q:15 - Level: 8
Inspire your students, kids or anyone to our wonderful Earth and its natural environment. These 10 questions, answers and game were created for Earth Day that takes place each year on April 22. The free game chosen for this topic is a code breaker game. Depending on the player, the game can between 10-15 minutes to play.
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman's Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.
In which month is Earth Day celebrated?~April
What is trash, such as paper, cans, and bottles, that is left lying in an open or public place called?~Litter
What is the process of converting waste into reusable material called?~ Recycling
What is a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth called?~Forest
A ___ is a luxuriant, dense forest rich in biodiversity, found in tropical areas with consistently heavy rainfall.~Rainforest
The planet on which you live.~Earth
A ___ is a person who freely offers to take part in a job or undertake a task.~Volunteer
___ is the process of putting into the environment a harmful thing.~Pollution
This drink is colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless and comes from the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain.~Water
What growing item is primarily found in a forest?~Tree
Common Words
Q:16 - Level: 5
Use this free Cinco De Mayo Word Search
Find them all
Q:28 - Level: 5
How many breakfast foods can you think of? This game has 16 of them, each with a clue. A filter (supplied with the game) must be used to find the food in the grid. Scan the grid through the filter holes starting with the top hole. All hidden words end with an exclamation point. If the revealed letters spell a something and end in an exclamation point then you have found a hidden word.
This free game can be played at a party, as a group ice breaker or the morning after a slumber party.
Changing the clues or other customization is easy, just follow the instructions on the product page.
Click here to edit the game.
The following questions and answers are used in this game
salted and dried or smoked, usually sliced thin and fried~Bacon
Cracked and comes from a chicken~eggs
Prepared from grain often eaten with milk~cereal
Highly seasoned minced meat stuffed in casings~sausage
a small ring shaped friedcake~Doughnut
Light sweet yeast raised roll usually filled with fruits or cheese~Danish
Flat circular spongy bread roll made from yeast dough and eaten split, toasted, and buttered~English muffin
Bread coated in egg and milk and fried~French toast
Cooked potatoes that have been chopped into small pieces and fried until brown~Hash browns
Grown on a tree and eaten when ripe~Fruit
Sweet quick bread baked in a cup shaped pan~Muffin
Made from rolled or ground oats~Oatmeal
Beaten eggs or an egg mixture cooked until just set~Omelette
A flat cake of thin batter fried on both sides on a griddle~Pancake
Slices of bread that have been toasted~Toast
Pancake batter baked in an iron~Waffle
Volcanoes Facts
Q:21 - Level: 8
Weak spot in the crust where molten material or magma comes to surface~Volcano
A molten mixture of rock forming substances, gases and water from the mantle~Magma
Magma that comes to earths surface~Lava
Major volcanic belt that is formed by the many volcanoes that rim the pacific ocean~Ring of fire
A string of islands formed by volcanoes created by spreading boundaries~Island arc
An area where material from deep within the mantle melts forming magma which erupts through the crust to form a volcano~Hot spot
A pocket where magma collects in a volcano~Magma chamber
Long tube in volcanos which connects the magma chamber to the earths surface~Pipe
An opening where molten rock and gas leave the volcano~Vent
Area covered with lava as it pours out the volcanoes vent~Lava flow
A bowl-shaped area that forms around a volcano's central opening~Crater
A material found in lava, formed from the elements oxygen and silicon~Silica
Thin, quick flowing lava~Pahoehoe
A hot explosive eruption of ash, cinders, bombs and gases~Pyroclastic flow
A steep, cone-shaped hill or small mountain made of ash, cinders, and bombs piled up around a volcano's opening~Cinder cone volcano
A wide, gently sloping mountain made of layers of lava and formed by quiet eruptions~Shield volcano
A tall, cone-shaped mountain in which layers of lava alternate with layers of ash and other volcanic materials~Composite volcano
Magma that forces itself across rock layers~Dike
When magma squeezes itself through horizontal layers of rock~Sill
Magma hardens in a volcano's pipe after an eruption~Volcanic neck
Formed when magma hardens underground; dikes, sills and volcanic necks~Igneous Intrusions
NFL Trivia
Q:10 - Level: 8
Who has the most wins as a head coach in the NFL?~Shula
Who is the last non-quarterback to win NFL MVP?~Peterson
Who is the only player enshrined in Canton AND in the CFL Hall of Fame?~Moon
Who is the only Super Bowl MVP to have played on the losing team?~Howley
Who holds the single-season record for touchdown receptions?~Moss
This quarterback has the longest active streak of consecutive starts at 178~Manning
Who holds the record for the longest field goal in NFL history?~Prater
Which NFL team features a helmet decal only on one side of the helmet?~Steelers
Which defensive coordinator was the architect of the 46 defensive scheme?~Buddy Ryan
Which state has produced more pro football Hall of Famers than any other state?~Pennsylvania
Knowledge of Ship Parts
Q:18 - Level: 4
in or towards the back part of a ship~aft
the widest part of a ship from one side to the other~beam
the front part of a ship~bow
the part of a ship from which it is controlled~bridge
a private room on a ship for a passenger~cabin
the outside top part of a ship that you can walk on~deck
the kitchen on a boat~galley
a wheel or handle used for making a boat go in the direction you want~helm
a small triangular sail near the front of a boat~jib
a tall pole that the sails hang from on a ship~mast
the side of a ship that is on your left when you are looking forwards.~port
a small window in the side of a ship or plane~porthole
a piece of equipment with blades that spin, used for moving a ship or aircraft~propeller
a flat piece of wood or other material at the back of a boat or plane that is moved to change the direction of travel~rudder
a large piece of strong cloth fixed to a tall pole on a boat, used for catching wind to move the boat across water~sail
the right side of a ship, as seen by someone who is looking towards the front.~starboard
the back part of a ship. The front of a ship is called the bow.~stern
on or relating to the deck of a ship~topside
Cat Trivia
What is the thick hair around the face of a cat called?~Ruff
What mood is a cat in of its tail is held high?~Happy
What mood is a cat in of its tail is twitching?~Irritated
What mood is a cat in of its tail is thumping?~Frustrated
What mood is a cat in of its tail is tucked underneath its body?~Scared
What is a male cat is called?~tom
What is a female cat called?~molly
What’s it called when a cat rubs the side of its head on you or on furniture?~Bunting
What flavor can cat's not taste?~Sweet
What is a group of cats called?~Clowder
What is a group of kittens called?~Kendle
Things seen at an Amusement Park
Q:10 - Level: 4
A water flume where passengers sit in a hollowed tree part.~Log ride
Game in which rings are tossed at an upright peg~Ring Toss
Place that sells souvenirs~Gift shop
Crisp deep fried cake with a sprinkle of sugar~funnel cake
a place where snacks are sold~Snack bar
Revolving machine with model horses or other animals on which people ride for amusement~Merry go round
a mass of fluffy spun sugar, usually pink or white, wrapped around a stick or a paper cone~Cotton candy
Small electrically powered car with rubber bumpers with the aim of bumping into other such cars~Bumper cars
A ride consisting of a giant vertical revolving wheel with passenger cars suspended on its outer edge~Ferris wheel
A building equipped with trick mirrors, shifting floors, and other devices amuse people as they walk through~Fun House
Use this free Mothers Day crossword game as a gift or activity
Spring showers bring May~Flowers
Female with grandchildren~Grandmother
Good mood~Happy
Two siblings born on the same day~Twins
A nick name for children~Kids
Another word for gifts~Presents
Mother's Day falls on this day~Sunday
Weather that happens in spring~Rain
People you enjoy being around~Friends
Male child~Son
Tight squeeze~Hug
Special meal between breakfast and lunch.~Brunch
5th month of the year~May
Yellow spring flowers~Daffodils
Female child~Daughter
A group of flowers~Bouquet
Female parent~Mom
Something you do after being told a joke~Laugh
Name for mom, dad and children~Family
A name for the day we celebrate our moms~Mothersday
The season that follows winter~Spring
What has hands but cannot clap?~A Clock
What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?~Towel
How many months have 28 days?~All of them
What word looks the same backwards and upside down?~SWIMS
What never asks questions but is often answered?~A Doorbell
Why was the broom late?~ It overswept
How do you get a baby astronaut to sleep?~You rock it
How can you make seven even?~Remove the S
What has 4 eyes but can’t see?~Mississippi
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?~Footprints
Which product comes in a tube and goes on the lips?~Lipstick
__ is always a variant of pink or brown and in powder form.~Blush
__ is a bottle of skin colored paint that goes all over the face.~Foundation
__ is similar to foundation but for hard spots.~Concealer
__ comes in two forms loose and pressed and applied with a brush.~Powder
This makeup creates the illusion of having a tan.~Bronzer
This makeup paint comes in many shades that caters to your eyelids. ~Eyeshadow
__ almost always comes in dark hues and is applied with a pencil.~Eyeliner
__ darkens and elongates eyelashes it comes in a tube which has a small black brush~Mascara
Which product draws attention to the high points of the face and also adds a glow?~Highlight
Daylight Saving time
Q:10 - Level: 5
On what day of the week does Daylight Saving Time start in the U.S?~Sunday
In which month does Daylight Saving Time begin in the U.S.?~March
Daylight Saving Time begins at __ AM.~two
In which month does Daylight Saving Time end in the U.S.?~November
DST stands for __ Saving Time.~Daylight
Which country was the first to adopt Daylight Saving Time?~Germany
In which season do we change the clocks back?~Fall
In which season do we change the clocks forward?~Spring
The opposite of Daylight Saving Time is __ time~Standard
How many minutes do we go forward for Daylight Saving Time?~Sixty
Arbor Day is a holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant trees. If you don’t have a tree to plant, try to find different types of trees in this word search game. This is a great way to help bring awareness to the holiday
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman's Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.
This game uses the following words:
Passover - Questions
Q:50 - Level: 8
Unleavened bread~Matzah
Lead Jewish people out of Egypt ~Moshe Ruler of Egypt ~Pharoah
Sea that split ~Yam Suf
What lead Jewish People at night in the desert?~Pillar of fire
Number of Matzah at table~3
Number of cups of wine drunk at the Seder?~3
Type of the first of the four sons discussed at the Seder?~Wise
Type of the second of four sons discussed at the Seder?~Wicked
Type of the third of four sons discussed at the Seder?~Simple
Type of the fourth of four sons discussed at the Seder?~Does not know how to ask
Number of days of the Omer?~49
Direction to lean at the Seder?~Left
Year Jewish people left Egypt?~2448 / 1313
Number of men from 20 to 60 who left Egypt?~600,000
What book is used at Seder?~Hagada
1st plague~Blood
2nd plague~Frogs
3rd plague~Lice
4th plague~Wild beasts
5th plague~Pestilence
6th plague~Boils
7th plague~Hail
8th plague~Locusts
9th plague~Darkness
10th plague~Slaying Firstborn
What is done the night before Pesach?~Search for chametz
What is done by first born males day before Pesach?~Fast
What do we use for bidikas chametz?~feather and candle
What is eaten first on Seder plate?~Karpas
What item represents tears at the Seder table?~Salt water
What Hebrew month that Pesach is in?~Nissan
What item represents bitter times at the Seder table?~Maror
What item represents mortar at the Seder table?~Charoses
How many days is Passover in Israel?~7
According to the Hagada what drank the water?~The ox
What doess Matzah, Maror and Charoses make?~The Hillel sandwich
First day of Pesach in the Hebrew month of Nissan?~15
Flour and Water together for __ make it Chometz.~18
What is often hidden at the Seder~Afikomen
First Jewish holiday after Passover?~ Shavuot
Which part of the broken middle matza is Afikomen?~Larger part
What is the first part of the Seder.~Kadesh
The first washing of hands at the Seder is called?~Urchatz
Telling the story of leaving Egypt.~ Maggid
Washing Before the Meal~Rachtzah
The first blessing on the matzah~Motzi
What is the main feast called?~Shulchan Orech
What part of the Seder is the dessert?~Tzafun
What is the helping others to get food for Pesach called?~Maot Chitim
What is round and white on the Seder plate?~Egg
Instruments of the Orchestra
Q:16 - Level: 8
Strings-the smallest and highest-pitched member of the string family~Violin
Strings-A little larger than the violin but played in the same manner~Viola
Strings-Only plays octave notes, much larger than viola, has an end pin that rests on the floor~cello
Strings-Tall, triangular-shaped instrument with about 45 vertical strings~Harp
Woodwinds-narrow metal tube about two feet long, with a row of holes covered by keys~Flute
Woodwinds-made from metal or wood, like a small flute used when the part to be played is especially high~Piccolo
Woodwinds-double-reed instrument made of wood~Oboe
Woodwinds-single reed large range of nearly four octaves~Clarinet
Woodwinds-made of brass,single-reed mouthpiece,more powerful than most woodwinds used extensively in jazz~Saxophone
Brass-Air travels through over six feet of tubing,the highest sounding member of the brass family~trumpet
Brass-More mellow sound than the trumpet uses a slide with seven positionsa short tuning slide to adjust intonation.~Trombone
Brass-Made of about sixteen feet of tubing is the lowest-sounding member of the brass family~Tuba
Made from a small cylindrical piece of steel suspended from a loop and played by striking with a steel beater~Triangle
brass disc-shaped instrument that is hit with a large, soft mallet~gong
made of thin, round plates of metal alloys traditionally used in pairs, each one having a strap by which they are held~Cymbal
keyboard instrument that produces sound when the player presses one of the 88 keys~piano
Single Word Palindromes
Single Word Palindromes
Half day~Noon
used to address or refer to a woman in a polite or respectful way~Madam
horizontal plane or line~Level
similar to a canoe~Kayak
automobile built for racing.~Racecar
one's mother~Mom
mention or allude to.~Refer
administration in a city or town~Civic
a system for detecting the presence, direction, distance, and speed~Radar
expressing astonishment~Wow
For Teachers
Q:17 - Level: 8
If you are a shark fan this these questions and answers about sharks are for you. Use the clues to help find the answers in this free word search shark game. Great worksheet for teachers covering this topic.
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman's Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.
The following questions and answers are used in this game
A __ lives in the water, is long-bodied has a prominent dorsal fin and is usally predatory.~Shark
Instead of bones, a sharks sekeleton is made of what?~Cartilage
One of the biggest sharks is the great __ shark.~White
Most sharks are __ , meaning they hunt and eat fish, marine mammals, and other sea creatures.~Predators
Most sharks are __ blooded.~Cold
The __ shark which has flattened blade-like extensions on either side of it's head with the eyes and nostrils placed at or near the ends.~hammerhead
The __ shark is an aggressive shark of warm seas, with dark vertical stripes its body.~Tiger
The __ of a shark are constantly replaced, in a lifetime it can lose and regrow as many as 30,000. ~Teeth
The __ of sharks are used for stabilizing, steering, lift and swimming.~fins
A sharks skin feels a lot like __~Sandpaper
Shakespeare Quotes
To be, or not to be: that is the ___~question
Sweets to the__~sweet
Conscience doth make ___ of us all.~cowards
The lady doth ___ too much, methinks.~protest
This above all: to think own self be ___~True
All that glisters is not ___.~gold
Better three hours too soon than a ___ too late.~minute
Double, double, toil and ___ ~trouble
What’s done cannot be ___~Undone
All the world’s a ___.~stage
Volcanoes Facts
Q:21 - Level: 8
Weak spot in the crust where molten material or magma comes to surface~Volcano
A molten mixture of rock forming substances, gases and water from the mantle~Magma
Magma that comes to earths surface~Lava
Major volcanic belt that is formed by the many volcanoes that rim the pacific ocean~Ring of fire
A string of islands formed by volcanoes created by spreading boundaries~Island arc
An area where material from deep within the mantle melts forming magma which erupts through the crust to form a volcano~Hot spot
A pocket where magma collects in a volcano~Magma chamber
Long tube in volcanos which connects the magma chamber to the earths surface~Pipe
An opening where molten rock and gas leave the volcano~Vent
Area covered with lava as it pours out the volcanoes vent~Lava flow
A bowl-shaped area that forms around a volcano's central opening~Crater
A material found in lava, formed from the elements oxygen and silicon~Silica
Thin, quick flowing lava~Pahoehoe
A hot explosive eruption of ash, cinders, bombs and gases~Pyroclastic flow
A steep, cone-shaped hill or small mountain made of ash, cinders, and bombs piled up around a volcano's opening~Cinder cone volcano
A wide, gently sloping mountain made of layers of lava and formed by quiet eruptions~Shield volcano
A tall, cone-shaped mountain in which layers of lava alternate with layers of ash and other volcanic materials~Composite volcano
Magma that forces itself across rock layers~Dike
When magma squeezes itself through horizontal layers of rock~Sill
Magma hardens in a volcano's pipe after an eruption~Volcanic neck
Formed when magma hardens underground; dikes, sills and volcanic necks~Igneous Intrusions
The Skeleton
Twelve pairs of ribs form the flaring sides form the __ cage?~throacic
Eighty bones make up the __ skeleton?~axial
What is a dagger shaped, flat bone that lies in the anterior midline of the thorax?~sternum
The head rests on the occipita __ of the spine?~Condyle
What is the largest strongest bone of the face?~mandible
What is the abnormal lateral curve also known as?~scoliosis
What is formed by the cranium and facial bones?~skull
The __ bones form the inferolateral aspect of the skull and parts of the cranial floor.~Temporal
The seven bones of the neck make the __ vertebrae.~ Cervical
What is the body of the vertebrae also known as?~centrum
Planet Facts
How many planets are there in our solar system?~Eight
What is the smallest planet in our solar system?~Mercury
What is the largest planet in our solar system?~Jupiter
Which planet is closest to the Sun?~Mercury
Which planet is farthest from the Sun in our solar system?~Neptune
Which planet has the most extensive rings in the solar system~Saturn
Which planet in our solar system appears to be red?~Mars
In terms of size, density, mass, and surface gravity which planet is similar to earth?~Venus
What planet in our solar system in known to have life?~Earth
Which planet is often referred to as an “ice giant” planet?~Uranus
Lab Safety
Q:20 - Level: 8
Education on safety comes in many forms. This game focuses on safety needed in a school laboratory. Science teachers who have access to a school lab and who have spent time teaching their students about what to and what not to do in a laboratory can use this free game to help reinforce the concepts. The game is a code breaker style game where players first have to decode the answer then match it with a clue. Game time will average around 10 minutes.
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Word Search or Crossword.
Be safe!
The following questions and answers are used in this game
Wear this to protect your body when using hot liquids or chemicals.~Apron
Use to cover your eyes.~Goggles
These need to be closed-toed.~Shoes
Make sure to __ directions to understand how to do an experiment.~Read
Not allowed to be eaten or even in the lab.~Food
If caught on fire you should stop, drop and __.~Roll
__ your hands after handling an animal or chemicals in the lab~wash
A fire __ puts out fires.~Extinguisher
__ up when you are finished in the lab.~Clean
Long __ should be tied back.~Hair
Q:14 - Level: 8
The beautiful tree gives us shade some times fruit and leaves to rake in the fall. These ten questions and answers are about the parts of a tree. The questions can be used for a class that is learning about nature or as a camping trip activity. The Word Drop game seemed appropriate for this question set because leave “drop” in the fall. Enjoy!
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman's Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.
the hard substance that covers a tree~bark
The flowers on a tree~blossom
a very small thin branch from a tree or bush~twig
A flat thin green part of a tree or plant that grows on a branch~leaf
part of a tree that grows out of its trunk with leaves, flowers, or fruit growing on it~branch
the main part of a tree that the branches grow out of~trunk
the leaves of a plant or tree~foliage
The part of a tree or plant that contains its seeds~fruit
a round hard place in a piece of wood where a branch grew~knot
the part of a tree that is left above the ground after it has been cut through near the base~stump
Q:14 - Level: 8
Healthy habits should be part of our daily lives. Little things like drinking water and getting enough sleep can cause and impact on a person’s health. This small list of healthy habits is used in a free word wheel game. The game has questions that have to be matched with one of the plates on the page. The plate contains the answer but rotated. The game can be used for teaching or just for fun. Be healthy!
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman's Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.
Cover your __ when you cough~Mouth
Wash your hands with __ and water to make sure they are clean~Soap
Eat a health __ at the start of the day~Breakfast
Getting __ at the doctors can help prevent diseases~Vaccinated
Eating green __ can help keep you healthy~vegetables
At night get plenty of __~Sleep
Drink a couple of litres of __ a day~Water
__ like biking, swimming, walking can help keep you healthy~Exercise
Cut down on foods that have sweet __~Sugar
Brushing your __ is good for you~Teeth
Chemistry Game
Q:10 - Level: 8
What is a Christian priest’s favorite part of physics?~Mass
What kind of chemical element hates to be a follower?~Lead
What did the chemistry teacher do with his pet that died?~ Barium
What period of time has the least weight?~ A light year
What number do Nickel and Neon make when combined?~Nine
Where do a group of fox scientist live?~ Density
What did scientists say when they found 2 isotopes of Helium?~HeHe
What can be measured, but has no length, width or height?~ temperature
How do oxygen and potassium get along?~OK
What do you get if someone throws sodium chloride at you?a salt
Computer Hardware
What is the most commonly used input device?~keyboard
What is the nickname for the power supply?~PSU
What is the nickname for the brain of the computer?~CPU
What keeps the CPU cool?~heatsink
The __ allows you to move, select and click on objects.~Mouse
What is the main circuit board called?~motherboard
__ are used so that you can hear music and sound from the computer.~Speakers
A __ can provide a way to talk through or to the computer.~microphone
Which device makes a printed copy of your work on a sheet of paper?~Printer
A display screen used to provide visual output from a computer~Monitor