Arbor Day is a holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant trees. If you don’t have a tree to plant, try to find different types of trees in this word search game. This is a great way to help bring awareness to the holiday

Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman’s Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.

This game uses the following words:


Inspire your students, kids or anyone to our wonderful Earth and its natural environment. These 10 questions, answers and game were created for Earth Day that takes place each year on April 22. The free game chosen for this topic is a code breaker game. Depending on the player, the game can between 10-15 minutes to play.

Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman’s Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.

In which month is Earth Day celebrated?~April
What is trash, such as paper, cans, and bottles, that is left lying in an open or public place called?~Litter
What is the process of converting waste into reusable material called?~ Recycling
What is a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth called?~Forest
A ___ is a luxuriant, dense forest rich in biodiversity, found in tropical areas with consistently heavy rainfall.~Rainforest
The planet on which you live.~Earth
A ___ is a person who freely offers to take part in a job or undertake a task.~Volunteer
___ is the process of putting into the environment a harmful thing.~Pollution
This drink is colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless and comes from the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain.~Water
What growing item is primarily found in a forest?~Tree

Healthy habits should be part of our daily lives. Little things like drinking water and getting enough sleep can cause and impact on a person’s health.  This small list of healthy habits is used in a free word wheel game. The game has questions that have to be matched with one of the plates on the page. The plate contains the answer but rotated. The game can be used for teaching or just for fun. Be healthy!

Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman’s Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.

Cover your __ when you cough~Mouth
Wash your hands with __ and water to make sure they are clean~Soap
Eat a health __ at the start of the day~Breakfast
Getting __ at the doctors can help prevent diseases~Vaccinated
Eating green __ can help keep you healthy~vegetables
At night get plenty of __~Sleep
Drink a couple of litres of __ a day~Water
__ like biking, swimming, walking can help keep you healthy~Exercise
Cut down on foods that have sweet __~Sugar
Brushing your __ is good for you~Teeth

If you are a shark fan this these questions and answers about sharks are for you. Use the clues to help find the answers in this free word search shark game. Great worksheet for teachers covering this topic.

Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman’s Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.

The following questions and answers are used in this game
A __ lives in the water, is long-bodied has a prominent dorsal fin and is usally predatory.~Shark
Instead of bones, a sharks sekeleton is made of what?~Cartilage
One of the biggest sharks is the great __ shark.~White
Most sharks are __ , meaning they hunt and eat fish, marine mammals, and other sea creatures.~Predators
Most sharks are __ blooded.~Cold
The __ shark which has flattened blade-like extensions on either side of it’s head with the eyes and nostrils placed at or near the ends.~hammerhead
The __ shark is an aggressive shark of warm seas, with dark vertical stripes its body.~Tiger
The __ of a shark are constantly replaced, in a lifetime it can lose and regrow as many as 30,000. ~Teeth
The __ of sharks are used for stabilizing, steering, lift and swimming.~fins
A sharks skin feels a lot like __~Sandpaper

What is a Christian priest’s favorite part of physics?~Mass
What kind of chemical element hates to be a follower?~Lead
What did the chemistry teacher do with his pet that died?~ Barium
What period of time has the least weight?~ A light year
What number do Nickel and Neon make when combined?~Nine
Where do a group of fox scientist live?~ Density
What did scientists say when they found 2 isotopes of Helium?~HeHe
What can be measured, but has no length, width or height?~ temperature
How do oxygen and potassium get along?~OK
What do you get if someone throws sodium chloride at you?a salt