Pumpkin Facts

To help enhance your Halloween “spirits” we have put together questions and answers that are pumpkin related. Use these questions to make a game that can be played at a Halloween party or any event. You can edit the questions or add your own. Boo.

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Below are the pre-made questions and answers for this Question Set. You will have an opportunity to modify, add or delete any of the questions before you create your game.

What makes up 90 percent of pumpkins?~water
In which month are the majority of pumpkins sold?~October
What color are most pumpkins?~Orange
Which holiday are famous for using pumpkins~Halloween
What is made when one cares a face out of a pumpkin?~Jackolantern
What is used to light up a Jack-o’-lantern?~Candle
What type of pie is often eaten on Thanksgiving?~Pumpkin
Pumpkin___ can be roasted and eaten as a snack.~Seeds
In what state are 95% of the pumpkins processed?~Illinois
Apples, oranges and pumpkins are all ___.~Fruits


A volcano is a rupture in the crust of a planetary-mass object, such as Earth, that allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from a magma chamber below the surface. This list of questions and answers will help teach all about volcanoes.

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Below are the pre-made questions and answers for this Question Set. You will have an opportunity to modify, add or delete any of the questions before you create your game.

Weak spot in the crust where molten material or magma comes to surface~Volcano
A molten mixture of rock forming substances, gases and water from the mantle~Magma
Magma that comes to earths surface~Lava
Major volcanic belt that is formed by the many volcanoes that rim the pacific ocean~Ring of fire
A string of islands formed by volcanoes created by spreading boundaries~Island arc
An area where material from deep within the mantle melts forming magma which erupts through the crust to form a volcano~Hot spot
A pocket where magma collects in a volcano~Magma chamber
Long tube in volcanos which connects the magma chamber to the earths surface~Pipe
An opening where molten rock and gas leave the volcano~Vent
Area covered with lava as it pours out the volcanoes vent~Lava flow
A bowl-shaped area that forms around a volcano’s central opening~Crater
A material found in lava, formed from the elements oxygen and silicon~Silica
Thin, quick flowing lava~Pahoehoe
Thick, slow flowing lava~Aa
A hot explosive eruption of ash, cinders, bombs and gases~Pyroclastic flow
A steep, cone-shaped hill or small mountain made of ash, cinders, and bombs piled up around a volcano’s opening~Cinder cone volcano
A wide, gently sloping mountain made of layers of lava and formed by quiet eruptions~Shield volcano
A tall, cone-shaped mountain in which layers of lava alternate with layers of ash and other volcanic materials~Composite volcano
Magma that forces itself across rock layers~Dike
When magma squeezes itself through horizontal layers of rock~Sill
Magma hardens in a volcano’s pipe after an eruption~Volcanic neck
Formed when magma hardens underground; dikes, sills and volcanic necks~Igneous Intrusions

What do we blow on Rosh Hashanah?~Shofar
What is the Jewish month before Rosh Hashanah called?~Elul
What Jewish month is Rosh Hashanah in?~Tishrei
What is the Hebrew word for the book used on Rosh Hashanah?~Machzor
Which animal does the shofar usually comes from?~Ram
What is dipped in honey to have a sweet year?~Apples
What is the Head of the Jewish New Year~Rosh Hashanah
What red fruit with many seeds is often eaten on Rosh Hashanah?~Pomegranate
What was Yonah swallowed by?~Big fish
What is the Hebrew word for giving Charity?~Tzedaka
What is the Holiest day of the Jewish year called?~Yom Kippur
What is the Hebrew prayer that is said on something new called?~Shehecheyanu
What is the custom done on Rosh Hashanah of casting away sins called in Hebrew?~Tashlich
Sweet year~Honey
Multiply in great numbers~Fish

Cycle of life ~Round Challah
Sweet year~Honey
Many good deeds, many acts of charity~Black-Eyed Peas
Strive to be the head and not the tail~Cabbage head
Multiply in great numbers~Fish
Protection from enemies~Dates
Fulfill many commandments~Pomegranates
Evil decries be ripped apart~Squash
Avoided food to prevent bitter times~Horseradish
Bring joy and success in all areas of life~Apples

What do we blow on Rosh Hashanah?~Shofar
What is the Jewish month before Rosh Hashanah called?~Elul
What Jewish month is Rosh Hashanah in?~Tishrei
What white garment is sometimes worn by men on Rosh Hashana?~Kittel
What is the longest shofar sound called?~Tekiah G’dolah
Which weekdays can the 1st day of Rosh Hashanah never fall?~Sun, Wed, Fri
What are apples often dipped in on Rosh Hashanah?~Honey
How many days are between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?~7
What is the Hebrew word for the book used on Rosh Hashanah?~Machzor
Which animal does the shofar usually comes from?~Ram
How long is the fast on Yom Kippur?~Sunset to Sunset
Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the ______.~Jewish New Year
The shofar sound of Tekiah sounds like _______.~One toot
The shofar sound of Sh’varim sounds like _______.~toot toot toot
The shofar sound of Truah sounds like _______.~9 toots
Rosh Hashanah is how many days long?~2
What is dipped in honey to have a sweet year?~Apples
What is the number of sounds the shofar makes?~100
What is the Head of the Jewish New Year~Rosh Hashanah
What red fruit with many seeds is often eaten on Rosh Hashanah?~Pomegranate
What was Yonah swallowed by?~Big fish
What is the Hebrew word for giving Charity?~Tzedaka
What is the Holiest day of the Jewish year called?~Yom Kippur
What is the Hebrew prayer that is said on something new called?~Shehecheyanu
What Hebrew song is sung at the end of Yom Kippur?~Lishana Habah B’yerushalayim

In Hebrew, what are the 10 days from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur called?~Asseret Ymai Teshuva
What does Asseret Ymai Teshuva mean?~10 days to do repentance
How do you say High Holidays in Hebrew?~Yomim Noraim
What is the Hebrew word for the meal before Yom Kippur called?~Seudat Hamafseket
What is the Hebrew prayer asking for forgiveness called?~Slichot
What is the Nullification of vows that is done before Yom Kippur called?~Hatorat Nedarim
What is another Hebrew name for Rosh Hashanah?~Yom Hadin (day of judgment)
What is another Hebrew name for Rosh Hashanah?~Yom Teruah (day of blowing the shofar)
What is another Hebrew name for Rosh Hashanah?~Yom Hazikoron (day of rememberance)
What is the custom done on Rosh Hashanah of casting away sins called in Hebrew?~Tashlich
What is normally said quatly but said aloud on Yom Kippur?~Silent line of Shmah
What type of shoe can one not wear on Yom Kippur?~leather
What is the Hebrew word for repent and do better?~Teshuva
What is the first Jewish Holiday after Yom Kippur?~Sukkot
Who was born on the first Rosh Hashanah?~Adam
What is the first prayer of Yom Kippur called?~Kol Nidrei
The shofar blown on Rosh Hashanah usually comes from a ___ animal?~Kosher