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Word Drop
To solve a Word Drop puzzle, drop a letter from each vertical column-not necessarily in the order in which they appear-into the empty squares below them to spell the desired word. This game can be played with clues or without clues.
Choose a Drop Word
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Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
The objective of Hangman's Pizza is to see how many slices of pizza will be left by the end of this solitaire Hangman type game. Change the difficulty by adding more slices to the pizza. The creator of the game has the option to have a clue with each question. Each answer can have up to 16 characters.
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How many pizza slices?
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Solve the math problem below a letter that you think might be in the word. The solution to the problem, found on the side of the page, will indicate the position of that letter in the word. A 0 means the letter is not part of the word. Color in a slice of pizza for each 0 you get. Try to complete your word before the pizza all gone. Good luck!
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Create your crossword puzzle in minutes using GamesToTeach.com. Provide questions and answers to create your own personalized crossword puzzle game. Each printable PDF game comes with an answer guide and the ability to edit the game title and instructions. You can also choose to play an online game to play your crossword game anywhere with internet access.
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Crossword game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Hide words in a picture you make with our original Pic-Search game. Start by either writing your own questions and answers or choose a question set from our growing database. Once you have something to search for create a picture. Pictures can be made by clicking on and off cell-blocks. Once your picture is done click the Make Puzzle button to create your Pic-Search game. In addition to game title and instructions, there are many ways to customize your game. Use the different options to show clues the answers or just have the user search your picture. You can also create your game with no borders.
Choose a Word Search Type
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Customize the directions
horizontal Back
vertical Up
diagonal Up
diagonal Up Back
Create your picture
Remove Borders
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
You need to fist Cilck the Make Puzzle button above before clicking Make Game
Create a match game in minutes on playQandA.com. In addition to the a standard match up game; PlayQandA gives you the ability to scramble the letters in each word or re-arrange each word in the sentence. Using these features adds a new and challenging dimension to the game!
Do you want to scramble the questions and answers?
I am a sample question
Click here to scramble the letters in each the question
Click here to scramble the words in each question
Sample answer
Click here to scramble the letters in each the answer
Click here to scramble the words in each the answer
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
The answer to each question can be found by following a path between hubs. Players can only go from one hub to another if there is the same plane pointing in the same direction. Many paths lead to the destination, can you find the shortest path.
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Crossword game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
Have no more than 12 questions and answers
Have no more than 80 characters in any question
Have no more than 20 characters in any answers
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the Edit Questions above)
PlayQandA.com offers flexibility in creating your word search game. You can choose the type of word search game you want to make, for example: Make a game only displays that words to find in the grid, or describe in the instructions a word search topic (i.e. Can you find all the planets in the grid above?). PlayQandA.com also lets you modify the size of your grid.
Choose a Word Search Type
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Show Answers
Show Nothing
Create the filter
Longest word can have
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Picasso BINGO engages its players with a twist on the traditional BINGO game. This group activity begins by giving each participant a unique Picasso sheet that contains 4 pictures at the top made up of 25 squares each. The remainder of the page is filled with a 5 by 5 grid containing answers to the questions that the facilitator will ask. Each player chooses a picture and tries to win the game by highlighting the corresponding squares in the 5 by 5 grid as questions and answers are called. This exciting game can be played in the classroom at birthday parties or at any event where a group game is needed. Customize your game now.
Create your BINGO pictures
How many game sheets?
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Create a BINGO game in minutes. This classic game is played with a group of people with a clear goal; get BINGO before someone else does. The elements of this game can engage and motivate participants to learn material or reinforce learnt information. It can also be used at a party or any event where fun group competition is needed.
Create your BINGO pictures
How many game sheets?
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Classic BINGO
Listen for the answer. When the answer is given look for it on your game sheet. If you find it fill in that square. In order to win you must %%cc%% Good luck!
A Word Search type game group game that’s competitive and easy to play. Rather than racing to see who can find a word first, players will first choose a goal (left or right) on their unique play sheet. Players circle the answers (given by the facilitator ) crossing their goal. Whoever gets the needed amount of goals first wins the game! Great for parties, teachers or any time a sitting group game is needed.
How many goals to win the game?
How many unique game sheets?
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 10 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Each wheel contains an answer. The letters in the answer will be in the proper order read either clockwise or counter clockwise. Can you find all the answers? Good luck.
Do you want to display clues?
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Show Nothing
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 4 questions and answers
Not have more than 16 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 16 characters
No answer can have less than 3 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
Each wheel contains an answer. The letters in the answer will be in the proper order read either clockwise or counter clockwise. Can you find all the answers? Good luck.
You are now creating game:
Word Search
PlayQandA.com offers flexibility in creating your word search game.
You can choose the type of word search game you want to make, for example: Make a game only displays that words to find in the grid, or describe in the instructions a word search topic (i.e. Can you find all the planets in the grid above?). PlayQandA.com also lets you modify the size of your grid.
Choose a Word Search Type
Show Clues
Show Answers
Show Nothing
Resize the grid
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
To play the Code Breaker Match Up game you must match each question on the left with the answer on the right. Alphabet letters have been consistently replaced by symbols throughout the game
Set the difficulty of your game.
Sample question
Click here to code the words in each question
Sample answer
Click here to code the words in each answer
Click here to have the "Code Breaker Key" appear on the page.
Edit the game title and instruction
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
PlayQandA.com offers flexibility in creating your word search game...
You can choose the type of word search game you want to make, for example: Make a game only displays that words to find in the grid, or describe in the instructions a word search topic (i.e. Can you find all the planets in the grid above?). PlayQandA.com also lets you modify the size of your grid.
Choose a Word Search Type
Show Clues
Show Answers
Show Nothing
Customize the directions
horizontal Back
vertical Up
diagonal Up
diagonal Up Back
Edit the game title, instruction and message
In order to make a Word Drop game you must:
Have at least 5 questions and answers
No answer can have more than 15 characters
Questions and Answers must be separated by a tilde ("~" in the expert mode above)
You need to fist Cilck the Calculate Puzzle button above before clicking Create PDF
Hidden Message Word Search
After solving the word search above read the remaining letters from the top to the bottom to find the hidden message. Good luck.
We are excited to offer educators 5 game codes for free. Use a game code to create a custom downloadable game with any questions and answers. No signup required.
The beautiful tree gives us shade some times fruit and leaves to rake in the fall. These ten questions and answers are about the parts of a tree. The questions can be used for a class that is learning about nature or as a camping trip activity. The Word Drop game seemed appropriate for this question set because leave “drop” in the fall. Enjoy!
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman's Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.
the hard substance that covers a tree~bark
The flowers on a tree~blossom
a very small thin branch from a tree or bush~twig
A flat thin green part of a tree or plant that grows on a branch~leaf
part of a tree that grows out of its trunk with leaves, flowers, or fruit growing on it~branch
the main part of a tree that the branches grow out of~trunk
the leaves of a plant or tree~foliage
The part of a tree or plant that contains its seeds~fruit
a round hard place in a piece of wood where a branch grew~knot
the part of a tree that is left above the ground after it has been cut through near the base~stump
Planet Facts
How many planets are there in our solar system?~Eight
What is the smallest planet in our solar system?~Mercury
What is the largest planet in our solar system?~Jupiter
Which planet is closest to the Sun?~Mercury
Which planet is farthest from the Sun in our solar system?~Neptune
Which planet has the most extensive rings in the solar system~Saturn
Which planet in our solar system appears to be red?~Mars
In terms of size, density, mass, and surface gravity which planet is similar to earth?~Venus
What planet in our solar system in known to have life?~Earth
Which planet is often referred to as an “ice giant” planet?~Uranus
The Skeleton
Twelve pairs of ribs form the flaring sides form the __ cage?~throacic
Eighty bones make up the __ skeleton?~axial
What is a dagger shaped, flat bone that lies in the anterior midline of the thorax?~sternum
The head rests on the occipita __ of the spine?~Condyle
What is the largest strongest bone of the face?~mandible
What is the abnormal lateral curve also known as?~scoliosis
What is formed by the cranium and facial bones?~skull
The __ bones form the inferolateral aspect of the skull and parts of the cranial floor.~Temporal
The seven bones of the neck make the __ vertebrae.~ Cervical
What is the body of the vertebrae also known as?~centrum
Q:15 - Level: 8
Inspire your students, kids or anyone to our wonderful Earth and its natural environment. These 10 questions, answers and game were created for Earth Day that takes place each year on April 22. The free game chosen for this topic is a code breaker game. Depending on the player, the game can between 10-15 minutes to play.
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman's Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.
In which month is Earth Day celebrated?~April
What is trash, such as paper, cans, and bottles, that is left lying in an open or public place called?~Litter
What is the process of converting waste into reusable material called?~ Recycling
What is a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth called?~Forest
A ___ is a luxuriant, dense forest rich in biodiversity, found in tropical areas with consistently heavy rainfall.~Rainforest
The planet on which you live.~Earth
A ___ is a person who freely offers to take part in a job or undertake a task.~Volunteer
___ is the process of putting into the environment a harmful thing.~Pollution
This drink is colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless and comes from the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain.~Water
What growing item is primarily found in a forest?~Tree
Shakespeare Quotes
To be, or not to be: that is the ___~question
Sweets to the__~sweet
Conscience doth make ___ of us all.~cowards
The lady doth ___ too much, methinks.~protest
This above all: to think own self be ___~True
All that glisters is not ___.~gold
Better three hours too soon than a ___ too late.~minute
Double, double, toil and ___ ~trouble
What’s done cannot be ___~Undone
All the world’s a ___.~stage
Tree Types
Q:22 - Level: 5
Arbor Day is a holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant trees. If you don’t have a tree to plant, try to find different types of trees in this word search game. This is a great way to help bring awareness to the holiday
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman's Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.
This game uses the following words:
Water and __ dioxide are needed to make food in plants?~carbon
In photosynthesis, chlorophyll traps __.~sunlight
Which is the process plants use to make food?~Photosynthesis
What is the carbohydrate component of cell walls called?~cellulose
What part of the leaves do carbon dioxide and oxygen enter and exit?~stomata
Where in plants does most photosynthesis occur?~leaves
What is the main pigment in green plants?~chlorophyll
__ and red are the main colors of light absorbed by chlorophyll.~blue
During photosynthesis, producers convert energy from the sun into __.~Chemical
In a plant cell, which organelle is the site of photosynthesis?~Chloroplast
Computer Hardware
What is the most commonly used input device?~keyboard
What is the nickname for the power supply?~PSU
What is the nickname for the brain of the computer?~CPU
What keeps the CPU cool?~heatsink
The __ allows you to move, select and click on objects.~Mouse
What is the main circuit board called?~motherboard
__ are used so that you can hear music and sound from the computer.~Speakers
A __ can provide a way to talk through or to the computer.~microphone
Which device makes a printed copy of your work on a sheet of paper?~Printer
A display screen used to provide visual output from a computer~Monitor
Volcanoes Facts
Q:21 - Level: 8
Weak spot in the crust where molten material or magma comes to surface~Volcano
A molten mixture of rock forming substances, gases and water from the mantle~Magma
Magma that comes to earths surface~Lava
Major volcanic belt that is formed by the many volcanoes that rim the pacific ocean~Ring of fire
A string of islands formed by volcanoes created by spreading boundaries~Island arc
An area where material from deep within the mantle melts forming magma which erupts through the crust to form a volcano~Hot spot
A pocket where magma collects in a volcano~Magma chamber
Long tube in volcanos which connects the magma chamber to the earths surface~Pipe
An opening where molten rock and gas leave the volcano~Vent
Area covered with lava as it pours out the volcanoes vent~Lava flow
A bowl-shaped area that forms around a volcano's central opening~Crater
A material found in lava, formed from the elements oxygen and silicon~Silica
Thin, quick flowing lava~Pahoehoe
A hot explosive eruption of ash, cinders, bombs and gases~Pyroclastic flow
A steep, cone-shaped hill or small mountain made of ash, cinders, and bombs piled up around a volcano's opening~Cinder cone volcano
A wide, gently sloping mountain made of layers of lava and formed by quiet eruptions~Shield volcano
A tall, cone-shaped mountain in which layers of lava alternate with layers of ash and other volcanic materials~Composite volcano
Magma that forces itself across rock layers~Dike
When magma squeezes itself through horizontal layers of rock~Sill
Magma hardens in a volcano's pipe after an eruption~Volcanic neck
Formed when magma hardens underground; dikes, sills and volcanic necks~Igneous Intrusions
Q:14 - Level: 8
Healthy habits should be part of our daily lives. Little things like drinking water and getting enough sleep can cause and impact on a person’s health. This small list of healthy habits is used in a free word wheel game. The game has questions that have to be matched with one of the plates on the page. The plate contains the answer but rotated. The game can be used for teaching or just for fun. Be healthy!
Like all Play Q and A games the content can be used in another type of game, for example Hangman's Pizza, Word Drop or Crossword.
Cover your __ when you cough~Mouth
Wash your hands with __ and water to make sure they are clean~Soap
Eat a health __ at the start of the day~Breakfast
Getting __ at the doctors can help prevent diseases~Vaccinated
Eating green __ can help keep you healthy~vegetables
At night get plenty of __~Sleep
Drink a couple of litres of __ a day~Water
__ like biking, swimming, walking can help keep you healthy~Exercise
Cut down on foods that have sweet __~Sugar
Brushing your __ is good for you~Teeth