title~I Am the Ice Worm
Author~Mary Ann Easley
QS type~Vocabulary, Chapters 1-3
Hypothermia~reduction of the body temperature to an abnormally low level
Destiny~the course of events held to be arranged by a superhuman power (syn. intention, circumstance) (ant. choice, free will)
Hover~to remain floating over a place or object (syn. linger, waver) (ant. rest, settle)
Descend~to pass from a higher to a lower place or level (syn. go down, plunge) (ant. ascend, go up)
Charades~a game in which some of the players try to guess a word or phrase from the actions of another player who may not speak
Repulsive~causing disgust (syn. distasteful, hideous) (ant. beautiful, pleasant)
Harness~the straps and fastenings by which an animal pulls a load (syn. belt, strap)
Claustrophobic~abnormal fear of being in closed in or narrow spaces (syn. confined, enclosed) (ant. roomy, spacious)
Cavalier~showing a lack of proper concern for important things; showing arrogant or offhand disregard (syn. dismissive, flighty) (ant. serious, concerned, level headed)
Bicentennial~relating to a 200th anniversary
Parka~a very warm jacket with a hood
Mukluk~an Eskimo boot of sealskin or reindeer skin
Compelling~to cause to do something by the use of physical, moral, or mental pressure (fascinating)
Igloo~a dome-shaped Eskimo house, typically built from blocks of solid snow
Thermal~relating to using, producing or caused by heat (syn. snug, heated)
Galaxy~a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction
Canvas~a strong cloth of hemp, flax or cotton used for clothing and formerly much used for tents and sails (syn. tarp)
Fate~a power beyond one’s control that is believed to decide what happens (syn. chance)
Floe~a sheet or mass of floating ice
Eskimo~a member of a group of peoples of northern North America and eastern Siberia
Arctic Circle~it marks the northernmost point at which the sun appears above the level of the horizon on the winter solstice
Bush pilot~one who flies a small aircraft into remote areas